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Tag: school
Interview & Editing 採訪、編輯、整理:Cheung Tsz-hin/ 張子軒
English Translation 英譯 : Winnie Chau/ 周潁榆08/24/2016, 08/31/2016
Ta Kwu Ling’s Chuk Yuen Village Resite Area and Shing Ping School/ 打鼓嶺竹園新村及昇平學校
Tascam DR 40/ Handheld 手持錄音/ Walking While Recording 邊行邊錄音
agriculture, boundary, refugee, school, 務農, 學校, 邊界, 難民

→ read details 繼續閱讀
Cheung Tsz Hin 張子軒
08/24/16, 11/14/16
Shing Ping School and nearby/ 昇平學校及附近
Tascam DR-40/ Handheld 手持錄音
abandoned school, school, traffic, 交通, 學校, 廢置校舍

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recording 錄音 1
recording 錄音 2
recording 錄音 3
Mandy Tang, Jones, Chan Pui-Yi, Winnie Ng
鄧慧敏、鍾雅欣、陳佩怡、吳詠琳boy, home, school, sleep, station, Word Chain, 接龍, 放學, 男孩, 睡覺, 車站
We (the Radio Drama Team)
visited Pokfulam Village,
had tea (Cantonese:yum cha) in the village
and recorded the ambient sounds on site.
The reconstruction of impressions, imagination, and reality,
and what lies between development and conservation can inspire a kind of thinking that is finer than we thought.