Learn 學習
Self-study Corner 自修室
Learn 學習 / Self-study Corner 自修室
Online Self-Learning Kit (A Three-Step Exercise, Part I to III) is an open educational companion for teachers, students and the general public who would like to learn more about sound and listening, or to become a sound collector through self-learning. With the explorative exercises in the learning kit, we encourage everyone to create with sound.
The learning kit is a vital step forward for The Library’s commitment in enhancing the quality of reception among the audience of the art of sound. By this we mean that the Learning Kit intently encourages learning beyond schooling. We believe that learning to question is as important as learning to find answers, that critical thinking develops out of discussion among others, and that each learner is unique and their experience valuable in enriching what the art of sound and listening could be.
The content of the learning kit is a reflection of our experience in previous public engagement workshops, which are developed by The Library team in collaboration with, artists and designers. The Kit is free and downloadable for all!
聲音圖書館編輯的《自學教材 – 練習三部曲》是爲老師、同學,大衆而設計的公開教學資源,適合任何想認識更多關於聆聽和聲音的人士,或想自學採錄聲音的朋友。我們鼓勵學員通過探索式的練習嘗試用聲音創作。