• Kwong Wing-ka

  • 04:26PM, 09/07/2013

  • 華山村/ Wa Shan Village

  • Samsung Galaxy SII/ Handheld手持錄音

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Sun’s Longitude:165°
Lunar calendar: 3rd August
Pentads: Wild-gooses come, Swallows are back, Birds strat collecting food for winter.

The first piece of literature I had to learn in my middle school literature class was “Jianjia” from the Classic of Poetry: “Jianjia, so hoary, so gray / White dew as frost.” Unfortunately, there isn’t much white dew in Hong Kong normally, so we can only go look for the reed.

物候: 鴻雁來,玄鳥歸,群鳥養羞。


White Dew/ 白露