Listen 來聽
Kwong Wing-ka
12: 45 PM, 10/23/2013
梧桐河旁/ Near Ng Tung River
Samsung Galaxy SII/ Walking While Recording 邊行邊錄音
footsteps, leaves, 葉, 走
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Frost/ 霜降
Kwong Wing-ka
10:38AM, 10/08/2013
華山村/ Wa Shan Village
Samsung Galaxy SII/ Recorder in stationary position錄音機靜置
mosses, serenity, 平静, 苔蘚
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Cold Dew/ 寒露
Kwong Wing-ka
02:16PM, 09/23/2013
梧桐河支流/ Ng Tung River Tributary
Samsung Galaxy SII/ Handheld手持錄音
water, year, 一年, 水
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Autumnal Equinox01/ 秋分01
Autumnal Equinox02/ 秋分02
Kwong Wing-ka
04:26PM, 09/07/2013
華山村/ Wa Shan Village
Samsung Galaxy SII/ Handheld手持錄音
dew, reed, 蘆葦, 露
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White Dew/ 白露
Kwong Wing-ka
03: 19PM, 08/23/2013
Samsung Galaxy SII / Handheld手持錄音
autumn, Birds, 秋, 鳥
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End of Heat / 處暑
Kwong Wing-ka
12:00NN, 06/05/2013
馬屎埔/ Ma Shi Po Village
TASCAM DR-40/ Handheld手持錄音
cicadas, Sun, 太陽, 蟬
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Corn on Ear/ 芒種 01
Corn on Ear/ 芒種 02
Kwong Wing-ka
09:00PM, 05/21/2013
北區公園/ North District Park
TASCAM DR-40/ Handheld 手持錄音
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Corn Forms/ 小滿
Summer Commences/ 立夏
Kwong Wing-ka
11:30AM, 04/20/2013
華山村旁的樹叢/ Thicket near Wa Shan Village
TASCAM DR-40/ Handheld手持錄音
Bird, Tin-giu- seoi, 天叫水
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Corn Rain/ 穀雨
Kwong Wing-ka
10:00AM, 04/04/2013
蓬瀛仙館/ Fung Ying Seen Koon
TASCAM DR-40/ Handheld手持錄音
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Bright and Clear/ 清明
Kwong Wing-ka
02:00PM, 03/20/2013
梧桐河支流/ Ng Tung River Tributary
TASCAM DR-40/ Handheld手持錄音
monsoon, rain, river, 季侯風, 河水, 雨
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Vernal Equinox/ 春分
Kwong Wing-ka
03:27PM, 03/05/2013
A hills road near Siu Hang Village 小坑村後山馬路
Insects, magical dolls, Waken, 打小人, 蛙, 蟲, 驚蟄
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Insects Waken/ 驚蟄 1
Insects Waken/ 驚蟄 2
Insects Waken/ 驚蟄 3
Kwong Wing-ka
11:00AM, 02/18/2013
A tree near a farmland in Ma Shi Po Village East 馬屎埔東村菜田旁樹下
Samsung Galaxy SII/ Equipment hanging on the fence under a tree/把錄音裝置懸掛於樹下的鐵網
Bird, rain, wild flower, 小鳥, 野花, 雨
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Spring Showers/ 雨水 1
Spring Showers/ 雨水 2
Kwong Wing-ka
10:30AM, 02/04/2013
Longan Forest in Tsung Tsai Yuen Village 松仔園龍眼林中
iPod Touch/ Tied the recording equipment on a tree 把錄音器材裝綁於樹上
biting the spring, field, wind, 咬春, 田, 風