• 阿盛

  • 5:45am 清晨五時四十五分, 12/30/2014

  • Toilet at home 屋企廁所

  • 1’19”/ Canon 60D short gun/ Handheld 手持錄音

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The aphorism from the half-awake father; the bowed head of the deep-thinking mother; the bittersweet and unusually calm camera lens.

I thought it was a prickling sensation, but then I realized it was my grief, and it becomes bitter -, intensely bitter. I am afflicted, as I have no idea why a man could despise his past like this… The most despicable thing is that; you know very well that this man standing in front of you, who derides and insults you without restraint, never means what he says. No matter that he denies the things he did, he just cannot evade the fact that, at the moment, he is living physically, and inappropriately. He is a man from the past, living in the present.



Life is a piece of... 生命是...