Listen 來聽
Eaton HK 香港逸東酒店
Listen 來聽 / Sound scoop - Local 細聲公 - 港九新界 / Eaton HK 香港逸東酒店
22.4 - 22.5.2022
Eaton HK
agriculture, Eaton HK, Humble Roots, nature, 大自然, 節氣, 農耕, 逸東酒店
Can you recall the last time you spent time in nature? Do you remember the most distinctive sounds you heard along the journey? Ancient Chinese divided the circle of the annual motion of the sun into 24 equal segments and each segment was called a solar term. This system of time is an indispensable component of the traditional Chinese calendars and its living applications, serving as a time-frame for agricultural activities and daily life. You can also tell the difference between each solar term by listening to the sound of nature – the wind, the rain, the insects, the birds, and many more. Sound Scoop @ Humble Roots shares sounds collected by sound collector Kwong Wing-ka on different solar terms and invites you to reconnect with nature by going on a listening journey in nature.
:: Programme details ::
22.4 – 22.5.2022
@ Humble Roots
Address: Eaton HK, 380 Nathan Road, Kowloon
:: 活動詳情 ::
22.4 – 22.5.2022
@ Humble Roots
地址:九龍彌敦道 380 號 Eaton HK