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Listen to Silence – “A Piece of Stone” Campaign 聆聽寂靜 – 「一塊石頭」運動
Listen 來聽 / Meanderings - Feature Story 咫尺 - 專題故事 / Feature: Recording as a way to understand ecology; listening to silence as a practice of conservation. 從錄音認識生態環境, 以寧靜作為保育起點。
“Find a stone, place it somewhere, anywhere; make it your personal ‘One Square Inch of Silence’.”
— Gordon Hempton
When The Library by soundpocket’s feature story “Recording as a way to understand ecology; listening to silence as a practice of conservation” was first released, we simultaneously launched the campaign “A piece of stone”. We invited people to pick up a stone, place it anywhere, and spare themselves five minutes to listen to silence. We also encourage everyone to record their thoughts and feelings during and after listening, in any such form as photography, texts, recordings, drawings, etc.
「拾起一塊石頭,把它放在某處,或任何一處,把它當作你自己的一平方吋的寂靜。」 — 戈登‧漢普頓
在聲音圖書館最新專題故事 「從錄音認識生態環境,以寧靜作為保育起點」推出之時,我們發起了「一塊石頭」運動,邀請大家拾起一塊石頭,把它放在某處,用不少於五分鐘的時間,聆聽寂靜;並可以任何方式,如攝影、文字、錄音、繪畫等,記錄聆聽時或聆聽後的所思、所想、所感。
Author 作者:Vik Lai
Date 日期:20/3/2015
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Author 作者:Mike Cooper
Date 日期:22/3/2015
The video is shot on the island Pulau Ubin which is set between Singapore and Malaysia.
It is a big piece of rock – a stone.
Previously Pulau Ubin was populated and had several lives – first as a plantation island and then as a quarry. Many of the older buildings in Singapore were built with stone from these quarries. Now Pulau Ubin is one of Singapore’s last remaining ‘Country Side’ areas and is in constant danger of being acquired; de-populated completely, and developed, as Singapore needs LAND and TERRITORY. There are only about 50 families left living on the island now and they are nearly all older generation.
I spent one month as an artist in residence on Pulau Ubin as guest of The Artists Village, who continue to place artists there and resist as much as possible the acquisition of the island by developers.
My month on Pulua Ubin was spent contemplating this ‘Piece Of Stone’ from many angles and times of the day. I made several videos about the island and I liked being on the island, sat outside at night, to being underwater, in an alien environment. The daytime was similar but different – another environment and one which my eyes were more used to, We humans don’t see well at night. We are very vulnerable at night. In the daytime we are more confident and the night animals, insects and birds retreat from us.
This video is my daytime contemplation of ‘the stone’ Pulau Ubin and a meditation on nature. Local visitors to the island (from ‘mainland’ Singapore) often come for weekends or public holidays to Ubin. They mostly cycle around and very few spend more than one day there.
The Soundtrack is a live recording of a concert I gave at the Esplanade Arts Centre in Singapore using ambient field recordings from Pulau Ubin.
The video is part of a series of short works which together are titled ‘Island Gardens’. They were shot in Pulau Ubin, Lamma Island, Sri Lanka, Guadaloupe, Marie Galante, Greece, Dominica, East Timor, and Bali.
I have linked the islands by stories, history, mythology, music, fact and fiction. There are 20 videos in the series – more details here –
在烏敏島的一個月,我對這一塊「石頭」- 從不同的角度、時間陷入了沉思。我還製作了幾段關於這個島嶼的影片 – 我很喜歡在這島上 – 這陌生的環境,我可以在夜裏坐在外面;或到水裏去 。相比之下,日間的烏敏島既熟悉又不同 ,那是我眼睛能習慣的另一個環境,因爲我們人類都不能在夜裏看得很清楚。我們在夜裏是多麽的脆弱;在日間卻顯得較自信,一些晚間動物 – 昆蟲、鳥兒都藏起來了。
這段影片是我的一系列簡短作品 – 「島上花園」,其中的一部分。「島上花園」在不同的地方錄影,包括烏敏島、南丫島、斯里蘭卡、瓜德羅普、瑪麗-加朗特島、希臘、多米尼克、東帝汶、峇里島。
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Author 作者:Suk
Date 日期:23/3/2015
Looking at the stone in silence… I see lives in the stone, many lives in one stone. The lives are solid, long lasting and strong.
Then I thought, I should not be thinking as I want silence in my mind … then I closed my eyes, silenced for a while…the image of the stone came to mind.
I started to realize, visuals bring in chatters to the mind. Even I closed my eyes, the image still lives in the mind, BUT…… that’s because, I have seen the stone! Our senses trigger mind activities…
Then I asked myself: What is Silence? My answer came to me straight away.
Silence is not about outside noises, it is about how still within you can be.
I now have a new proverb ( smiling ) :
‘Silence is everywhere as long as you do not hear the noise.’
~ Suk, 23 Mar 2015
靜靜的看著石頭,我在石頭看見了生命 – 有很多生命在石塊裏。那些生命是實在的、長久的、强壯的。
Suk, 2015年3月23號
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Author 作者:NL KY
Date 日期:26/3/2015
2014-07-14 NLKY
它一直在我的工作間 一 提醒我真心誠實。
Walking out of the door,
I pick you up slowly – and take you away from the looming hill.
Only because you have proved how I have learnt to be honest at this hilltop,
in all the days to come,
to remind me of what I have learnt at that hilltop,
so as not to get lost.
2014-07-14 NLKY
This is a piece of stone that I brought home from the beautiful hilltop before last year’s graduation.
It has always been in my work studio – it reminds me of being genuine and truthful.
It has been my cornerstone in these two years.
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Author 作者:俞若玫
Date 日期:30/3/2015
Put a rock at the skirt of the sea, I read what is left what is kept and hear the sound of my memory.
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Author 作者:Solomon Yu
Date 日期 / Location 地點:30/3/2015 / 香港墳場
A piece of stone, how can it tell the past and future of the place in silence? In the city nowadays, how can I find a piece of stone, and listen to the sighing and hope that the silent stone carries; then put it down and search again?