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Feature: Recording as a way to understand ecology; listening to silence as a practice of conservation.
Listen 來聽 / Meanderings - Feature Story 咫尺 - 專題故事
Kwong Wing-ka/ 鄺永嘉
English Translation/英譯: Solomon Yu/ 余迪文2015
conservation, ecology, frog, Gordon Hempton, silence, stone, Yannick Dauby, 保育, 寧靜, 戈登‧漢普頓, 澎葉生, 生態, 石頭, 蛙
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Interview 採訪: Kwong Wing-ka/ 鄺永嘉
中譯: Kwong Wing-ka/ 鄺永嘉01/20/2015
noise, Olympic National Park, silence, stone, 噪音, 奧林匹克國家公園, 寂靜, 石頭