Listen 來聽
41 Ross 舊呂宋巷 41
Listen 來聽 / Sound scoop - Overseas 細聲公 - 飄洋過海 / US - 41 Ross 美國 - 舊呂宋巷 41
41 Ross, San Francisco Chinatown 三藩市華埠舊呂宋巷 41
41 Ross, Chinatown, journey, memories, San Francisco, tour, 三藩市, 舊呂宋巷 41, 華埠, 記憶
Sound Scoop collects sounds and scattered memories in Hong Kong. We invite you to pick up the headphones and listen to the sounds that we found similar, but not similar between Hong Kong and San Francisco Chinatown. We also encourage you to visit the spots on the map and compare the sounds you hear in situ with those from our city.
@ 41 Ross, San Francisco Chinatown
@ 三藩市華埠舊呂宋巷 41
:: Sound Scoop 細聲公 ::
26 – 29.10 (Wed 三 – Sat 六) 2-6pm
Download the map and start your listening journey in San Francisco Chinatown >>>
下載地圖,然後開展你在三藩市華埠的聆聽之旅 >>>