Listen 來聽
Tag: Studio
Wong Chun-hoi
01:00PM/ 12:00NN/ 11:00AM, 09/07/2012
Inside the toilet, near the ventilation fa/ 洗手間抽氣扇附近, Near the gate of my studio/ 工作室閘門附近, Near a air purifier/ 空氣淨化器附近
8'08",7'10", 5'12 /Zoom h4n/靜置 Steady
Air Purifier, body, fan, quiet, sa, smoking, soundscape, Studio, 吸煙, 唦, 安靜, 工作室, 空氣淨化器, 聲境, 身體, 風扇
I want to make an overview mixing of the soundscape in my studio and this one of the object which involved.
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Ventilation For Cigarette Break/ 抽煙時抽氣扇的聲音
24hoursAday7daysAweek/ 一天 24小時一週 7天
Air Purifier/ 空氣淨化器
Transcription 謄錄: Janie Chan Tsang/ 陳錚
English translation 英譯: Daniel Ho Sez-hin/ 何思衍10/19/2012
Hong Kong/ 香港
Bell Rings, Radio Drama, Script, Studio, sword, Telephone Conversation, The Ancient Chinese Doors, 刀劍, 劇本, 古裝門, 廣播劇, 錄音室, 門鈴, 電話對話