Listen 來聽
Garfield Chow 周約雅
09:30AM, 11/09/2013
Cha Chan Tang in To Kwa Wan 土瓜灣一所茶餐廳
2’11"/ Philips, GoGear RaGa/ Handheld 手持錄音
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The Disappearing Leisure Space/ 漸漸消失的優閒空間
Fiona Lee
28/8/2012, 2/9/2012, 28/9/2012,
Central Government Offices 中環政府總部, Telford Plaza德福廣場, Badminton Court in Kai Yip Estate 啟業邨羽毛球場, Kwai Hing Tai Loong Street Rest Garden 葵興大隴街休憩公園, Kwai Hing Wah Sing Street 葵興華星街, Basketball Court in Ping Shek Estate 坪石邨籃球場,
28'03", 3'49",10'22", 5'42", 6'05", 6'19", 6'29", 10'01"/ ZOOM H4, TASCAM DR-40/ Handheld 手持錄音
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From Tamar Park to Central Government Office/ 由添馬公園步行至公民廣場
Soundscape of Badminton Court/ 羽毛球場聲境
Center of the Playground/ 遊樂場中操場
The Path of The Garden/ 公園小徑
The Elderly Dancing Group/ 老年人跳舞聚會
Two Elderly Exercise Groups/ 做運動的老年人
Jacklam Ho
06:07AM, 10/05/2012
Roof of Kwai Chung Plaza 葵涌廣場平台
Zoom H4n/ Handheld 手持錄音
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Jacklam Ho
12:07 AM, 12/11/2012
MTR Hong Kong Station 香港地鐵站
Zoom H4n/ Handheld 手持錄音
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Before closing-on train/ 關閉前一段時間-車上
Before closing-walking1/ 關閉前一段時間-行走1
Before closing-walking 2/ 關閉前一段時間-行走2
Wong Fuk Kuen
04:00 PM, 09/15/2012
MTR Train to Kwai Hing Station 往葵興方向的列車上
2'52"/ Tascam DR-40/Recorded Near The Train Door 向門邊收音
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