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Tag: band
Interview & Editing 採訪、編輯、整理:Law Yuk-mui/ 羅玉梅
English Translation 英譯 : Elaine W. Ho/ 何穎雅11/03/2014
Wan Chai, Hong Kong
band, disintegration, mahjong, Nathan Road, Poland, Soviet bloc, transistor radio, 原子粒收音機, 彌敦道, 波蘭, 蘇聯, 解體, 麻雀
“Sound Professionals” is a feature story series curated by The Library by soundpocket that inter-views working or retired professionals who “earn their living with their ears”. Witnessing the changes in their professions as insiders, they share with us their experiences and the act of lis-tening as a professional technique and an art.