Listen 來聽
Tag: 鳥
Text 文:Yip Kai-chun/ 葉啟俊 English Translation 英譯: Yoyo Chan/ 陳蕾
Nov 2017 - Jan 2018
Hong Kong/ 香港
Zoom H6 Handy Recorder
Bamboo, Bird, insect, onomatopoeia, Peng Chau, wave, 坪洲, 擬聲, 浪, 竹, 蟲, 鳥

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Typhoon Hato/ 颱風天鴿
Autumn insects/ 秋蟲
Waves, bamboos and birds/ 浪竹鳥
Bamboo/ 竹
Birds on a tree at the Leather Factory/
Graphics, Recording 圖像創作、錄音:Cheung Tsz-hin/ 張子軒
English Translation 英譯 : Winnie Chau/ 周潁榆morning 早上, 11/14/2016
Ta Kwu Ling’s Chuk Yuen Village Resite Area and its neighbourhood/ 打鼓嶺竹園新村及附近
Tascam DR 40/ Walking While Recording 邊行邊錄音
Bird, construction, people, water, 人, 建設, 水, 鳥
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Jasmine Chan
12:00NN, 08/15/2013
Yuen Po Street Bird Garden 園圃街雀鳥花園
4'50"/SONY WALKMAN-NWZ-B172F/Walking While Recording邊行邊錄音
Bird, 鳥

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Freedom/ 自由
Kwong Wing-ka
03: 19PM, 08/23/2013
Samsung Galaxy SII / Handheld手持錄音
autumn, Birds, 秋, 鳥

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End of Heat / 處暑
Queenie Leung
11:00 AM, 09/28/2012
Tai Mei Tuk 大美督
3'00"/Sony IC-ICD UX 400F/ Handheld 手持錄音
Bird, nature, outskirt, 自然, 郊外, 鳥

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Day and night of Tai Mei Tuk/ 大美督的夜與日
Fiona Lee
28/8/2012, 2/9/2012, 28/9/2012,
Central Government Offices 中環政府總部, Telford Plaza德福廣場, Badminton Court in Kai Yip Estate 啟業邨羽毛球場, Kwai Hing Tai Loong Street Rest Garden 葵興大隴街休憩公園, Kwai Hing Wah Sing Street 葵興華星街, Basketball Court in Ping Shek Estate 坪石邨籃球場,
28'03", 3'49",10'22", 5'42", 6'05", 6'19", 6'29", 10'01"/ ZOOM H4, TASCAM DR-40/ Handheld 手持錄音
Bird, car, cicada, city, morning, people, space, time, 人, 城市, 早上, 時間, 空間, 蟬, 車, 鳥

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From Tamar Park to Central Government Office/ 由添馬公園步行至公民廣場
Telford Plaza/ 德福廣場
Soundscape of Badminton Court/ 羽毛球場聲境
Center of the Playground/ 遊樂場中操場
The Path of The Garden/ 公園小徑
The Street/ 街上
The Elderly Dancing Group/ 老年人跳舞聚會
Two Elderly Exercise Groups/ 做運動的老年人
Mike Cooper
The Library by soundpocket Artist in Residence Feb 2013/ 聲音圖書館藝術家駐留計劃 2013年2月
Mo Tat/ 模達
Bamboo, beach, Bird, Dog, Ferry, insect, Island, leaf, Mo Tat, palm, radio, Sea, tamboo, Tapu, toilet, village, water, 島, 廣播, 村, 東澳, 棕櫚葉, 模達, 水, 沙灘, 洗手間, 海洋, 渡輪, 狗, 禁忌, 竹, 蟲, 鳥
Mike Cooper came to Hong Kong for the first time in 2009, as participating artist of Around sound art festival 2009. This year, he came back for Around sound art festival and retreat 2013, and stayed on afterwards to work on his ongoing field recording project Island. In residence in Mo Tat, Mike listens to insects, bikes, and the other-worldly, and adds to the list of islands he has recorded: Ubin, Fiji, Hawaii, East Timor, Bali, Penang… in the Pacific Ocean and South East Asia.
應聲音掏腰包之邀請 Mike Cooper 於2009年首度來港參與《聽在》聲音藝術節。2013年Mike再度應邀參與《聽在》,並在模達作聲音圖書館的藝術家駐留,進行其錄音計劃 ―「島」。駐留期間Mike聽昆蟲、單車和「另一個」世界的聲音,並將之加入其 ―「島」計劃:烏敏、斐濟、夏威夷、東帝汶、巴厘島、檳城…太平洋和東南亞等地的錄音系列。