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Tag: 海
Text 文:Yip Kai-chun/ 葉啟俊 English Translation 英譯: Yoyo Chan/ 陳蕾
Hong Kong/ 香港
Zoom H6 Handy Recorder
Bird, chitchat, Dog, footstep, motorcycle, Peng Chau, radio, Sea, walking stick, wind, 坪洲, 收音機, 柺杖, 機車, 海, 狗, 腳步, 閒談, 雀, 風

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Main Streets of Peng Chau/ 坪洲大街
Peng Chau north/ 坪洲北邊
Coast of Nam Wan/ 南灣海邊
6:49pm 下午六時四十九分, 02/12/2017
Hung Hom 紅磡
5”/ Recorder pointing to the sound source 指著目標錄音
Sea, soundproofed wall, traffic, 海, 隔音牆, 馬路