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Gloria — Goodmorningloria

goodmorningloria is a group conceived by singer-songwriter Gloria Tang, former 90′s Hong Kong indie band huh?! vocalist Edmund Leung, and graphics designer/ visual artist tamshui: at the end of 2003.

goodmorningloria’s first project– EP began with a cluster of doubts about music production in Hong Kong. It took up a bit of hope, a bit of faith, a bit of trust, a bit of love, a bit of air, on the way, and of course, troubles, too. It has come out now as a fusion of music, words, images, in a double- a CD in a little red book.

Goodmorningloria 於2003年末組成,成員包括唱作歌手Gloria Tang (歌莉雅) 、前香港獨立樂隊huh?!主音Edmund Leung (梁卓堃) 及平面設計師/ 視覺藝術家tamshui。


12.1 x 18cm
CD 2003
7 tracks 曲目

For Local Order
Price: HK$100

For Overseas Order
Price: HK$130
(additional shipping cost is included 含海外郵費)