Project info 本館簡介
Support us 支持
Your tax deductible donation supports artists’ innovation, exploration, and research, and contributes to enriching our cultures of listening.
你的捐款(免税) 將用於支持藝術家的創新、開發與研究工作,並豐富我們的聆聽文化環境。
Donate by crossed cheque/ 劃線支票捐款:
account name “soundpocket limited”
mail to Unit B3, 15/F, Lee Chung Industrial Building, 7 Tsat Po Street, San Po Kong, Kowloon, Hong Kong.
請將劃線支票(支票抬頭為「soundpocket limited」)郵寄至香港九龍新蒲崗七寳街7號利中工業大廈15樓B3室。
Donate by PayPal/ PayPal捐款: