Listen 來聽
Pokfulam Radio Drama
by Tang Kwok-hin
Listen 來聽 / Meanderings - Artist Commission 咫尺 – 藝術家委約項目
Director/導演:Tang Kwok-hin/ 鄧國騫
Script and Voice Acting/ 劇本、聲演:Chan Pui -yee, Choi Yu-tin, Chung Nga-yan, Tang Wai-man and Tang Kwok-hin/ 陳佩怡、蔡雨田、鍾雅欣、吳詠琳、鄧慧敏及鄧國騫
Recording/錄音:Lai Chi-yung/ 黎智勇2013 Feb - Apr
First Broadcasted in The Hong Kong Jockey Club Community Arts Biennale 2013
於香港賽馬會社區藝術雙年展2013首次播出Pokfulam village, Radio Drama, urban development, 廣播劇, 薄扶林村

→ read details 繼續閱讀
Director’s talk about the original concept and production process of Pokfulam Radio Drama
薄扶林廣播劇製作過程 劇本起始構思及講解
Pokfulam Radio Drama
Interview: Chan Pui -yee, Choi Yu-tin, Chung Nga-yan, Tang Wai-man and Tang Kwok-hin
採訪: 陳佩怡、蔡雨田、鍾雅欣、吳詠琳、鄧慧敏及鄧國騫10:00AM-2:00PM, 02/13/2013
Pokfulam village
SONY IC Recorder: ICD-PX333M, Recorder placed on the table/ 錄音筆置放桌上
Dairy Farm, Fire Dragon, home, riots, 故鄉, 暴動, 火龍, 牛奶公司
At first, I got to know about Pokfulam village obliguely through the book Pokfulam Village: a Historical Settlement under Victoria Peak. Then, by observing on-site and interviewing people, we were able to sense the discrepancy between the character of the people described in the book and the interviewees we met, as well as the cruelty of the reality.
→ read details 繼續閱讀
Cindy Chu
Mr. Ngai/ 魏先生
Boss Chu/ 朱老闆
Mr. Wong/ 黃先生
Mandy Tang, Jones, Chan Pui-Yi, Winnie Ng
鄧慧敏、鍾雅欣、陳佩怡、吳詠琳boy, home, school, sleep, station, Word Chain, 接龍, 放學, 男孩, 睡覺, 車站
We (the Radio Drama Team)
visited Pokfulam Village,
had tea (Cantonese:yum cha) in the village
and recorded the ambient sounds on site.
The reconstruction of impressions, imagination, and reality,
and what lies between development and conservation can inspire a kind of thinking that is finer than we thought.