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Special: Sounds of “usual” life during the pandemic 抗疫「日常」的聲音
Lai Ching Hei 黎晴曦
8:18PM, 03/05/2021
Home 家中
01'45" / Tascam DR-05 Recorder 錄音機 / Recorder placed on a surface 錄音機置於平面上
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Dad attending online worship at home 老豆在家線上崇拜
Yang Yeung 楊陽
9:40PM, 04/18/2020
"Eight Fairies Pond" (Pak Sin Lake), Tai Mei Tuk, Taipo 大埔大尾督八仙湖
05'05" / Sony Linear PCM-M10 Recorder 錄音機 / Recorder placed on a surface 錄音機置於平面上
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Ya Si and beings, at night 也斯與眾生,晚上
07:30AM, 03/28/2020
Ohio USA 美國俄亥俄州
01'17" / LG G8 Mobile Phone 手提電話 / Handheld 手持錄音
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Kevin Corcoran
02:55PM, 03/27/2020
Mission District, San Francisco, California USA 美國加州三藩市教會區
05’40’’ / Sound Devices Mixpre-6 / Contact microphone on window, inductor on electronic devices, omni microphones on window 接觸式咪高峰貼於窗上,感應器置於電器上,全向式咪高峰置於窗邊
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Keith de Mendonca
08:00PM, 04/16/2020
Bermondsey Spa, London GB 英國倫敦伯蒙德賽
05’44’’ / Edirol R-09 Recorder 錄音機 / Recorder placed on a surface 錄音機置於平面
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Clap for the National Health Service 為國民健康服務體系鼓掌
James Acey
01:00PM, 04/20/2020
11/F terrace of a building in Prince Edward 太子某大廈 11 樓的露台
11’14’’ / ZOOM H5 recorder 錄音機 / Recorder mounted on tripod 錄音機置於三腳桌上
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Sound. Home. Body. 聲音. 家. 身體.