• Kwong Wing-ka

  • 10:30AM, 02/04/2013

  • Longan Forest in Tsung Tsai Yuen Village 松仔園龍眼林中

  • iPod Touch/ Tied the recording equipment on a tree 把錄音器材裝綁於樹上

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Sun’s Longitude:315°
Lunar calendar: 24th December

Pentads: East wind thaw. Hibernating insects awaken. Fish swim upward near ice.

“Spring breeze makes people sick”: my grandmother loved repeating this when I was small. But since she passed away, nobody has ever said that to me anymore. The weather is always fickle around the start of spring. Just before, it was rainy and blustery, but today, the rain and the wind have calmed down again. While next to the field, this phrase popped out of nowhere in my head.

The solar term Spring Commences (Cantonese: Laaptsoen; “Start of Spring”) marks the birth of spring; though it felt a bit chilly, you could still hear the monsoon winds high up in the atmosphere. Farmers have started to till the land, while birds have chirped up in the woods. Following the tradition of “biting the spring” (celebrated at the Start of Spring), I ate an apple after the recording — as though I took part in the meal of “biting the spring”.

物候: 東風解凍,蟄蟲始振,魚陟負冰


Spring Commences/ 立春