Listen 來聽
A soundwalk
Listen 來聽 / Meanderings - Feature Story 咫尺 - 專題故事 / Feature: Boundary Listening 聆聽邊界
Graphics, Recording 圖像創作、錄音:Cheung Tsz-hin/ 張子軒
English Translation 英譯 : Winnie Chau/ 周潁榆morning 早上, 11/14/2016
Ta Kwu Ling’s Chuk Yuen Village Resite Area and its neighbourhood/ 打鼓嶺竹園新村及附近
Tascam DR 40/ Walking While Recording 邊行邊錄音
Bird, construction, people, water, 人, 建設, 水, 鳥
The sound walk is transformed into graphics