Listen 來聽
Sound Scoop @ Echigo-Tsumari Art Triennale 2018
細聲公 @ 越後妻有大地藝術祭 2018
Listen 來聽 / Sound scoop - Overseas 細聲公 - 飄洋過海 / Japan - Echigo-tsumari Art Field 日本 - 越後妻有大地藝術祭
Sound Scoop connects the air in Hong Kong with the air in Tsunan with sound. You are invited to listen to sounds from Hong Kong and in situ in five particular places in Tsunan, and respond to your listening experience through singing, drawing, writing, telling stories…etc. Your creations will be brought back to Hong Kong and become prompters for further creation by the community of active listeners in The Library by soundpocket. At the end of the project, they will be presented as an online exhibition of sonic exchange between the two cities.
細聲公收錄了來自香港的聲音,並在藝術祭期間分佈於津南町的角落。你可以就著從細聲公聽到的聲音作出任何方式的回應:唱歌、畫畫、寫作、說故事…… 聲音掏腰包將會把你的創作帶回香港,並邀請不同人加以回應及建立他們的新意念。收集到的回應會在聲音圖書館展示。
:: Programme details ::
29.7 – 17.9.2018 (10am – 5pm)
@ Hong Kong House
Address: 29 — 4 Miyanohara, Kamigo, Tsunan-machi, Nakauonuma-gun, Niigata Prefecture, Japan
Echigo-Tsumari Triennale 2018 Artwork no.: E-075
:: 活動詳情 ::
29.7 – 17.9.2018(早上10時至下午5時)
@ 香港部屋
地址:日本新潟縣中魚沼郡津南町大字上鄉宮野原 29 — 4
越後妻有大地藝術祭 2018 作品編號:E-075
Sound Scoop worksheet 細聲公活動卡 >>>
Swimming Pool 游泳池
Echigo-tsumari Kamigo Clove Theatre 越後妻有上鄉劇場館
Sound installed: Steam from the cooker by Wong Fuk-kuen
Shinano River 信濃川
Hong Kong House Terrace 香港部屋平台
Sound installed: Two Dollars Each by Susi Law
Bus Stop 巴士站
Selected responses from the public 部分來自公眾的回應 >>>