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Shopping Malls, before Mid-Autumn Festival 中秋前夕的商場
Listen 來聽 / Main 大觀 / Mid-Autumn 中秋
Scarlet Wong
10:30AM, 01:46PM
US 美國: 14/9/2012, HK 香港: 23/9/2012
Seattle Premium Outlet, 西雅圖Premium特賣場/ Sunshine City Plaza 新港城中心
7'11"/ Zoom H4N/ 手持錄音 Handheld
Hong Kong, Mid-Autumn Festival, shopping malls, US, 中秋, 商場, 美國, 香港
While there are many people in the shopping malls of both Hong Kong and the US, the malls are a lot noisier in Hong Kong. Around the Mid-Autumn Festival, large-scale decorations are installed in Hong Kong shopping malls, whereas in the US, you can only find them in Chinatowns.