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Festivals and Ritual Ceremonies 慶典祭祀
Listen 來聽 / Meanderings - Feature Story 咫尺 - 專題故事 / Feature: Tuning Silences — Listening to Peng Chau 怎個靜字了得 — 耳聽坪洲
Text 文:Yip Kai-chun/ 葉啟俊 English Translation 英譯: Yoyo Chan/ 陳蕾
11-12 Sept 九月 2017
Hong Kong/ 香港
Zoom H6 Handy Recorder/ Samsung SM-T285
chanting, lion dance, Peng Chau, qilin dance, 坪洲, 念經, 舞獅, 舞麒麟
Festivals and Ritual Ceremonies
Various eye-catching ritual ceremonies occur in the open space outside the pier. Besides the birthdays of deities worshipped at the various temples and mourning halls of the Peng Chau locals, the Ghost Festival and Kai Fong Festival draw a large crowd every year.
The Kai Fong Festival is a major event that runs over several days. The Ghost Master descends to the open space along with other ghosts on the eve of the first day. The clanging and banging sounds of the parade last throughout the whole festival and create large dance parties on the island.
When you go down to the streets in the morning, the usually quiet Choi Yan Hong and Sports Club are unexpectedly vibrant with flying lions, qilins, dragons, and carp, accompanied by dancing drums and gongs. Their presence thrills the island’s population and each has its fans. On the way back to the Tin Hau Temple, several Taoist monks chant verses before reading out the names of the donors written on the red slips covering the walls. While their songs wish the worshippers unity and peace, their rhythms make them sound like a rap group.
In the afternoon, various groups gather in the open space, raising their voices to try to drown each other out. Tin Hau, sitting comfortably in her litter, joins the flying lions, qilins, dragons, and carp with her own noisy parade around the island. In front of the doorway of each and every family home is a small altar, wishing health and good luck to everyone. Some families give out free sodas and beers to the parade team. Half way around everyone takes a break in an abandoned school, and the dancing dragons and lions pull out all the stops and get everyone rooting and cheering like in a rap battle. After the tour around the island, Tin Hau returns to her temple, and all the excited parties run down the straight road by the pier to conclude the two-hour parade by burning incense at the Tin Hau Temple. I did not expect the Yu Lan Ghost Festival to be so much fun until I had experienced the Kai Fong Festival. These are truly the most energetic days on Peng Chau.
As Charles observed, these festivals and rituals give Peng Chau the privilege of enjoying plenty of Chinese music performed by well-trained, conscientious musicians. In a funeral he followed one day, a couple of musicians improvised all the way to the burial site on the mountaintop, playing as they walked along or when they stopped at different places on the mountain. What sounded spontaneous joined together in harmony. The beats, the movements of the performance inspired Charles in his own western musical compositions.
:: Recording 錄音 ::
Kai Fong Festival Tin Hau Temple/ 街坊建醮 天后宮 念善信名
Yip Kai-chun/ 葉啟俊
Morning/ 上午, 11/09/2017
Tin Hau Temple/ 天后宮
Zoom H6 Handy Recorder/ Handheld/ 手持錄音
chanting/ 念經
Kai Fong Festival Choi Yan Hong/ 街坊建醮 菜園行
Yip Kai-chun/ 葉啟俊
Morning/ 上午, 11/09/2017
Choi Yan Hong/ 菜園行
Zoom H6 Handy Recorder/ Handheld/ 手持錄音
qilin dance/ 舞麒麟
Kai Fong Festival Sports Club/ 街坊建醮 體育會
Yip Kai-chun/ 葉啟俊
Morning/ 上午, 11/09/2017
Sports Club/ 體育會
Zoom H6 Handy Recorder/ Handheld/ 手持錄音
lion dance/ 舞獅
Kai Fong Festival before the parade/ 街坊建醮 巡遊開始前
Yip Kai-chun/ 葉啟俊
Afternoon/ 下午, 11/09/2017
Lo Peng Street/ 露坪街
Zoom H6 Handy Recorder/ Walking While Recording/ 邊行邊錄音
Kai Fong Festival during the parade/ 街坊建醮 巡遊中
Yip Kai-chun/ 葉啟俊
Afternoon/ 下午, 11/09/2017
Peng Chau/ 坪洲
Zoom H6 Handy Recorder/ Walking While Recording/ 邊行邊錄音
Kai Fong Festival half way battle/ 街坊建醮 中場鬥法
Yip Kai-chun/ 葉啟俊
Afternoon/ 下午, 11/09/2017
Chi Yan Public School/ 公立志仁學校
Zoom H6 Handy Recorder/ Walking While Recording/ 邊行邊錄音
Kai Fong Festival burning of The Ghost Master/ 街坊建醮 燒大士王
Yip Kai-chun/ 葉啟俊
Evening/ 傍晚, 12/09/2017
Close to Peng Chau Pier/ 碼頭附近
Samsung SM-T285/ Handheld/ 手持錄音
:: Tuning Silences — Listening to Peng Chau 怎個靜字了得 — 耳聽坪洲 ::
> Prologue 引言
1. Low Volume Ear Cleansing 清耳仔的底聲
2. Noises in Serenity 靜中帶嘈
3. The Songs of Birds and Bamboo 鳥風竹浪
4. Festivals and Ritual Ceremonies 慶典祭祀
5. Ferries Coming & Going 船來船往
< Conclusion 結語

The Kai Fong Festival chanting and songs wishing worshippers unity and peace

The usually quiet Choi Yan Hong and Sports Club are unexpectedly vibrant with dancing drums and gongs

The clanging and banging sounds of the parade create large dance parties over the whole Peng Chau