LWM: Alessandro would like to meet an indigenous resident living near Shing Mun River. I had no idea about where to find such a person. Fortunately, I flashed on the Shatin Rural Committee. The Shatin Rural Committee building located near the Shatin Station is small and unnoticeable. I walked in the committee building and told Miss Chow, a staff of the committee, about my intention. Almost without thinking, Miss Chow immediately made a call, which got us in touch with Mr Choy.

Our meeting with Mr Choy occurred in his home in Tai Wai. In addition to Shing Mun River, we talked about different topics and Mrs Choy joined our conversation occasionally. Mr Choy taught us the method of finding water source in a desert. Alessandro talked about his life in Italy and Mrs Choy sometimes told us about her family. One day, Mr Choy said he is going to show us something amazing. He then took a rusty knife from his room. Demonstrating the sharpness of the knife, he cut a piece of paper and showed us the smooth edge of it. I and Alessandro were surprised with the sharpness of the knife. In an another day, Mrs Choy burst with joy when she saw the flowers Alessandro brought her.

AC: I met Mr. Choy Hon Sum, an elderly Tai Wai villager. After several meetings and interviews on the history of Shing Mun River, I proposed a dialogue with Mr. Choy in the performance. The performance was a duet based on our different perception of the map of Shatin. I recounted my experience and perception collected during the exploration around urban areas, villages, estates, paths, people and parks. Mr. Choy told of the evolution and geography of Shing Mun River through the history of his village. His descriptions were enriched with anecdotes, legends and stories. We shared the same table and the map, which became a medium of a new territory, or the place for a new interpretation in the form of a duet of the objective and subjective representation of space.

Alessandro Carboni
Choy Hon Sum
Mrs. Choy
Yeung Yang
Sammi Liu
Li Wai Mei

LWM: Alessandro想認識一個住在城門河附近的老街坊,我起初不知道上那兒去找這樣的人,幸好,我想起了沙田鄉事委員會。沙田鄉事委員會座落在沙田鐵路站旁,這座矮小的平房,不易為人察覺,也沒有一點鄉村的味道。我冒昧的走進鄉事委員會,向裡面工作的周小姐說明了原委,周小姐幾乎不用思考,便馬上撥了一通電話。就這樣,在周小姐的介紹下, 我們便結識了蔡會長。

蔡會長的家在大圍,我們的訪談都是在他的家進行,蔡夫人也偶爾加入。我們的討論不光圍繞城門河,而是幾乎什麼也談。蔡會長會告訴我們如何在沙漠中獲得水源,Alessandro又會談談在意大利的生活,蔡夫人也會說點關於她的家庭。有一次, 蔡會長興致勃勃的說要給我們看一柄削鐵如泥的小刀。他從房間把刀拿出,然後將刀往紙片輕輕一送,那紙片頓時斷作兩段,切口平整光滑,我們都嘖嘖稱奇。還有一次,Alessandro買了鮮花,逗得蔡夫人心花怒放。

AC : 我結識了一位年長的大圍村民蔡會長。經過數次會面及訪問有關城門河的歷史後, 我主動提議與他進行一場對談。這次演出是基於我倆對沙田地圖的不同理解。我講述我在考察市區、村落、屋苑、小徑、人及公園時的經驗和體會;蔡會長則分享其大圍村歷史和城門河的地理環境演變。蔡會長豐富的描述,充滿各種軼事、傳說和掌故。我們同坐一席,以地圖作為介體,重新詮釋一個的客觀與主觀的空間概念。

Alessandro Carboni
蔡會長 (蔡漢森)

The name of Shing Mun River/ 城門河的名字由來


Heung Feng Liu and Hong Kong/ 香粉寮與香港


Chasing the Dragon/ 追龍


This is just a story/ 純屬故事