Listen 來聽
Cedric Maridet
11/25/2005, other recordings with unknown dates (marked as 19th January 2068)
Pak Tam Au, Dailong Wan Saikung Country Park.
communication, darkness, non-verbals, silence, species, Vanishing
silence, almost. Close disturbance. Everything is in place, waiting. I deploy my self a little more with each step, a new form of being. “I try to close, and to penetrate a landscape… it is not easy” says Luc Ferrari in Thus continues the night in my mutilple head.(1) I step into the landscape. Imperceptible at first, I create a contact with the surroundings, a microphone in hand: the distant road with the last bus passing, birds rehearsing, and cicadas ready to make their timbals vibrate like crazy creatures.
I walk. slowly, my eyes adjust the darkness.
All movements and actions are constituting of a certain form of being and of deployment of possibilities of contact with an environment; I start a negotiation. Jean Christophe Bailly (2) reminds us of George Canguilhem’s statement: “Between the living and the milieu, the relationship is established through a debate”. For all animals and humans alike, a territory is thus defined through this debate. I step into a new territory.
With every step, I step deeper into the night, and take on its form, I dissolve into it. Barking afar. I have been spotted. Dogs are more sensitive to shades of greys and motion, but my sense of vision can only try to adjust the night. Were they waiting for me? The English translation for the French “être aux aguets” is to be on the watch, or on the lookout. How to deal with this translation? All my senses are at play here, with every subtle change of air when the open air path is suddenly covered by trees, the intensities of sounds and their rhythmic changes, movings shadows of foliages, subtle changes of smell of soil and plants.
I continue my exploration in this multiverse. The non-verbals in the background, a foreign language brings me back into more familiar land. My own territory? Probably if I follow Uexküll’s concept of Umwelt(3), as what an animal retain from an environment. It establishes specific subjective spatio-temporal worlds in which different living organisms exist and act. There is thus distinctions between the different perceived and lived worlds for different species, all as different territories constituting of distinct Umwelten. The world is taken not as a given but as a composition rooted in the interaction between signals that might be recognized, or not, and different species that also produce signs. I recognise sentences, words, potential different acts of communication from my own species.
Vanishing voices. Light replaces darkness instantly: magical manipulation.
Cicadas and their hypnotising calls take over. Looking for points of proximities, I disappear again, loosing myself again. Becoming animal?
1: Luc Ferrari, Presque rien n°2 – ainsi continue la nuit dans ma tête multiple (1977)
2: Jean-Christophe Bailly, « La forme animale », Le Portique [Online], 23-24 | 2009, document 1, published online on 28th septembre 2011
3: Jakob von Uexküll, Mondes animaux et monde humain, editions Payot & Rivages, 2010
沉靜,幾近。沒有干擾。一切就緒,等待。每一步我都以新的方式為自己準備多一點。「我嘗試接近,並滲透到景觀之中……這絕非易事。」呂克.法拉利(Luc Ferrari)於《如此,在我幾個頭裡持續的夜晚》(Thus Continues the Night in My Multiple Head) 中說。[1] 我步入景觀之中。起初難以察覺,我接觸周圍的環境,手裡拿著麥克風:遠處路上尾班車駛過,鳥兒排練,蟬如瘋狂的生物般,準備讓自己的銅鼓震動。
所有運動和動作都是某種形式的構成,並且是對可能接觸到的環境所作的調適。我開始一場協商。克里斯托夫.貝利(Jean Christophe Bailly)[2] 提醒我們喬治.康居朗(George Canguilhem) 的論述:「於生活與環境之間,兩者的關係是通過辯論而確立」。所有的動物和人類一樣,透過辯論來確立某個領域。我步入一個新的領域。
每一步,我都步向深夜更深處,並以它的形式融合其中。遠處的狗吠聲。我被發現了。狗對灰色陰影及動作更為敏感,我的視覺只能盡量適應夜晚。他們是在等我嗎?法文中「être aux aguets」的英譯是「to be on the watch」(被提防)或「on the lookout」(警惕)。要如何處理這個語句的翻譯呢?我所有的感官都在這裡,感受那開揚的道路突然被樹木覆蓋時,空氣的每一個細微變化,聲音的強度和節奏的改變,樹葉搖曳的陰影,以及土壤和植物的微小氣味變化。
我繼續在這個多元宇宙探索。在非口語的背景下,外國語言帶我回到更為熟悉的土地。我自己的領域?或者,如果我按照雅各.馮.烏也斯庫爾(Jakob von Uexküll)的「主體世界」(Umwelt)概念[3],如動物留在某一環境中。「主體世界」建立於特定及主觀的時空世界,不同的生命體在此生存及和活動。不同的物種有不同的變化及生存的世界,每一個「主體世界」的差別,構成獨特的「主體世界」(plural: Umwelten)。世界本身並非早是如此,它植根於符號間的互動組合,它們可能被認可,亦可能不,而不同品種亦會生產符號。我認得我隸屬的品種的句子、詞語,不同動作的背後的意義。
[1] 呂克.法拉利(Luc Ferrari),《如此,在我幾個頭裡持續的夜晚》(ainsi continue la nuit dans ma tête multiple) , Presque rien n°2,1977。
[2] 克里斯托夫.貝利(Jean Christophe Bailly),《動物形態》 (La forme animale) Le Portique 網上發佈,2009,23-24。文件一,2011年9月28日
[3] 雅各.馮.烏也斯庫爾(Jakob von Uexküll) ,《Mondes animaux et monde humain》, Rivages出版,2010。