Learn 學習
= Field recording workshops in Hong Kong 香港田野錄音工作坊 =
2014.11.14@Chai Wan 柴灣工業區
A worker operated the crane to lift blocks of trash onto a huge pontoon ship. I was standing next to the shore, recording the machine crunching sound that came from grinding of aged metal. The worker looked at the often, felt curious what I was doing. I did not avoid having eye contact with him. He tried hard to lift one block few times, but at last he gave up and dropped the trash back to the shore. He looked at me, kind of acknowledged me why he made such a decision.
2014.11.15@Tung Ping Chau 東平洲
There is an abandon house alongside of the beach. The main door was blocked by bars, I circled around and entered through side door. There was garbage and leaves covering the floor, once I stepped into threshold, I heard a sharp cracking sound, I looked down and discovered that was a piece of red tile, which were used for the roof. The doorway led to a small kitchen, when I went further in, there was a living room. I stepped on a piece of wood, I thought it was strong enough to hold my weight, but it didn’t. It is broken into two pieces. There were a lot of broken tile pieces on the floor, which was camouflaged by rotten leaves. The roof was gone, sea wind blew through holes and engulfed the miserable little house.
:: Afterthought 再思 ::
Before the two workshops, I mainly adopt field recording as a supplement of visualization of my work, for instance, I need a recording of sea to allude my location in a video work. Indeed my recording knowledge and practice are being improved after the workshop, but more importantly, it shows me that field recording itself as a form of art, and how it changes my ideology on both listening experience and sensory and bodily perception. I start to rethink that perception is more about mental instead of sensory reception; when we put on headphone and equip with recording devises, our perception is being reconnected to real world through technology, both the sensory and mental experience are being mediate; the fact is, we have been so used to be mediated, and our hearing and listening experience are habituated with technology. A bad headphone and recorder may be resulted in unsatisfactory recording, but it has nothing to do with our live body being in the world, taking off the headphone and just listening, is the best practice to expand my mental capabilities through re-adapting my internal environment to external environment. This is my paradigm shift.
= Taiwan’s Field Trip and Creation 台灣考察及創作 =
2015.4.3-7 @ Taipei, Kaohsiung, Meinung 台北, 高雄, 美濃
About artwork 關於作品
Distant Wave (18”)
After the Civil War and before Cultural Revolution in Mainland China, Chinese Communist Party initiated a series of united front gestures against Nationalist Party in Taiwan, in order to obtain information and setup spy. At the same time, when Taiwan Martial Law and curfew were still enacted, Communists threw boxes of money, valuable, propaganda poster and publication into the sea, and let the sea current bring the goods to coast of Taiwan. In response to such action, Nationalist built concrete barricade and steel fence along coast, encouraged heavy industry to build factories in the south, also, prohibited swimming and fishing, etc.
This specific piece of history fascinates me that the all the above policies aim to prevent citizen to associate with “sea” and “country overseas”, due to the fact that people living along the coast or on island could hardly access to the image/ scenery, under that situation that the path to the source of sound was ironically blocked. In such case, the sound is a metaphor of political oppression, conflict between two parties, a change of life style under government regulation, new emerged industries, geographic relocation, etc. The sound itself may not provide enough information for us to understand the history, but the way that it was presented carries a unique historical significance: a distorted humanity and freedom under such political oppression.
The sound piece is presented in form of a narrative, through the mouth of a middle-age male prayer. When the narrator kneels in front of statues of Gods, he throws poes and the sound echoes inside the temple; he murmurs, asks for help from divination, and it seems he is telling a story that has been forgotten long ago, or he envisions such era through hallucination and his memory.
personal website 個人網站:http://www.leekaichung.com/