Education 學習

Self-Learning Kit Part II – “A Walk for Listening Together” is now launched
最新自學教材〈第二部曲-聲音研習徑〉 經已推出

As an extension of the exploratory exercises introduced in Part I, this new self-learning exercise is an actual walk designed for listening. Wong Nai Chung Gap Trail presents a historically and sonically rich experience, and yet, under-recognized as such. Upon The Library’s research in collaboration with a small group of artists and citizens of Hong Kong, a guide for listening is composed in the form of poetic prose. Birds, forests, buildings of all shapes and sizes, memories of war…all come into the walk. We are delighted to invite you to take a walk with us.

“Part II: A Walk for Listening Together 
>>> Download print version

>>> Online viewing version

這是承接第一部所綜合設計的一段聆聽之旅。黃泥涌陝徑是一個不多為人所知,卻是個能好好體會歷史和聲音的地方。聲音圖書館與一班藝術家和香港公眾一起研究,結合出一個詩歌形式的聆聽指引。蟲鳥、草木、不同建築、抗戰歷 史…… 在路上遇見,用聆聽再發現。我們懇請你跟我們一起走。





Instruction for printed version


Download the check point 5 sound clip:


Launch of Listening & Sound Collecting – A Kit for Learning Together

A brand new self-learning kit : Listening & Sound Collecting – A Kit for Learning Together is available online for free downloading now.

An open educational companion for teachers, students and the general public who are curious to learn more about sound and listening, the kit offers step-by-step and illustrated instructions and exploratory exercises to empower anyone who wants to become a sound collector through self-learning.The kit also suggests different ways of listening, making sound maps of various styles, and understanding the basic principles of sound collecting from artists’ perspectives. We encourage everyone to create with sound.

“Part I: Listening & Sound Collecting – A Kit for Learning Together”
>>> download here (English)

是輯全新自學教材〈第一部:聆聽與採聲──小組練習〉, 爲老師、同學,大衆而設計的公開教學資源,適合任何想認識更多關於聆聽和聲音的人士,或想自學採錄聲音的朋友,在聲音圖書館網站上瀏覽或下載參閲,費用全免。公衆根據圖文並茂的按步指引去學習。透過自學教材,我們希望公衆理解三種聆聽模式,學習繪 畫不同形式的聲音地圖,參考藝術家的方法去明白基本的採錄聲音技巧等等。我們鼓勵學員通過探索式的練習嘗試用聲音創作。

>>> 按此下載 (中文版)

Itchy Ears – a workshop on listening 2015 /「抓耳朵」校園採聲計劃 2015


• To recognize listening as a way to know ourselves and each other.
• To give students’ insight and inspire their sensitivity: how to open up our ears and sharpen our power of listening.
• To imagine and create through listening.
• To learn about field recording as a practice of sonic art.

To promote the art and culture of sound and listening, , soundpocket has established a public online platform – The Library by soundpocket with financial support from the Arts Capacity Development Funding Scheme of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. Itchy Ears is one of the core education programmes. It encourages students to listen, through which they learn more about themselves and each other. The workshop also encourages students to explore their surroundings, so that they bring their listening and sound collecting experiences back into their daily life and their artistic practices.

1. Seminar : rethink about listening
2. Sound map and sharing : does sound have a shape?
3. Field recording exercise: collecting sound, actualizing your artistic insight.

Language : Cantonese / English (per request)
Target audience: secondary school, college and university students



為推動聲音藝術及聆聽文化發展,聲音掏腰包在香港特別行政區政府「藝能發展資助計劃」資助下,策動了一個網上公共平台計劃-聲音圖書館;而聲音圖書館校園採聲計劃「抓耳朵」則是其中的重點教育工作坊。我們希望透過工作坊的活動和分享,鼓勵同學多作聆聽,從而發掘自我,探索周遭環境。將聆聽和採聲的經驗, 融合在個人、生活和藝術實踐中。

1. 講座:重新認識聆聽
2. 繪製聲音地圖及分享:聲音有輪廓嗎?
3. 田野錄音練習:採集聲音,實踐藝術創見

語言: 廣東話 / 英語
參加對象: 各中學及大專院校學生

Workshop details/ 工作坊詳情
Application form/ 報名表格

Enquiry/ 查詢: Miss Yim 嚴小姐
Tel/ 電話: (852) 2356 2226
Email/ 電郵: [email protected]

2012 – 2013 「聲動校園」工作坊

Editor’s note: The Library has been running school workshops for a year. Students have shared with us sketches, songs, recordings, and writings they have created during the workshops. To make sense of these contributions, we invited artist Chung Nga-yan to create  an artistic response. 

編者按: 「聲動校園」工作坊推行了整整的一年,迄今聲音圖書館團隊已經走訪了八家中學。作為一個「入門式」工作坊,學生對於聲音作為藝術實踐,以至錄音的經驗都近乎零。如何深化學生的參與成果成為也了我們的一個難題。

為此,聲音圖書館邀請了阿鍾 (鍾雅欣) 作為「聲動校園」工作坊的回應藝術家,並以學生在工作坊所繪畫的聲音地圖和錄音帶作為原材料,透過藝術創作形式,整理出另一套脈絡。作為一個第三者,阿鍾的角色是冷靜的,因為她並沒有真正到訪過學校。就讓我們以阿鍾的介入作為一次實驗,為「聲動校園」工作坊作一次小整頓。

After listening to the recordings, I feel like a little more truth is revealed. Also, a certain divide between available information and our sensory world emerges.
The sound collectors offer images that tell of a place; I get to understand the world that the images sound out. They encode a place with sounds, giving shape to a different world by listening, shaking up my imagination.

So I start mixing with them. I misplace the sounds, codes and locations, following the clues provided by them, and recompose the information of a place, creating a different world. I am surprised that the staggered arrangements come together in harmony, as if telling a gentle lie.

-Chung Nga-yan

我把某地的聲音與圖像分開來理解,透過採聲人對某地的聲音所作的闡述及文字紀錄,我會想像一地的聲音是如何豐富和細緻。可以說是一片美好。但當我再聽到採聲人用聲音為一地編錄的聲音時,卻與我已理解的有落差。動搖了我原來想像的世界。 於是,我跟他們拼了。把不同地的聲音,符號及地點錯置,把收集回來的聲音及圖像作提示,重新編譜一地的訊息,製造另一個世界。讓我驚訝的是這種雙重交錯的世界其實很和諧,像說了一個柔軟的謊話。

– 鍾雅欣