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A brand new self-learning kit : Listening & Sound Collecting – A Kit for Learning Together is available online for free downloading now.
An open educational companion for teachers, students and the general public who are curious to learn more about sound and listening, the kit offers step-by-step and illustrated instructions and exploratory exercises to empower anyone who wants to become a sound collector through self-learning.The kit also suggests different ways of listening, making sound maps of various styles, and understanding the basic principles of sound collecting from artists’ perspectives. We encourage everyone to create with sound.
“Part I: Listening & Sound Collecting – A Kit for Learning Together”
>>> download here (English)
是輯全新自學教材〈第一部:聆聽與採聲──小組練習〉, 爲老師、同學,大衆而設計的公開教學資源,適合任何想認識更多關於聆聽和聲音的人士,或想自學採錄聲音的朋友,在聲音圖書館網站上瀏覽或下載參閲,費用全免。公衆根據圖文並茂的按步指引去學習。透過自學教材,我們希望公衆理解三種聆聽模式,學習繪 畫不同形式的聲音地圖,參考藝術家的方法去明白基本的採錄聲音技巧等等。我們鼓勵學員通過探索式的練習嘗試用聲音創作。
>>> 按此下載 (中文版)