editorial 編輯室

Listen 來聽

The Library – reviewed by Winne Chau 回顧聲音圖書館-周潁榆 (30/12/2015)

Partly an observer and partly a participant, I joined the outing in Sham Shui Po (the main activity of the workshop) led by Samson Cheung and Grace Choi. The pre-outing briefing took place inside soundpocket office ‘in case it’d be noisy outside’. I spared a thought to imagine the noisiness of the Hong Kong I usually heard… Hong Kong is the noisiest city; it is the most silent city. We hear so many types of sounds that we must give up listening to remind sane. Neither are we, city-dwellers, comfortable with complete silence.


The Library – reviewed by Eddie Cheung Wai-sum / 讓藝術家走羊腸小道張煒森 (15/12/2015)

綜觀聲音掏腰包及聲音圖書館這年來的工作,大眾與藝術工作者是其中一類重要的對象,當中亦包含學生等不同的社會角色,身份重重疊疊,有時可作分野,有時混同難別。然而,從圖書館這年的活動如「細聲公」、「拜師學藝-澎葉生」與「客席策展人」,這些著重以聲音為主的「再現」工作中,或許能寫出另一道有趣的風景──聲音既可以記錄社會的轉變,也可以改變一些人的想法或事物的呈現方式──從藝術家參與的計劃中,便最能呈現出這種聲音與社會雙向的關係。亦因此聯繫到兩個看似無關痛癢的討論:詩歌的價值與社會交往藝術(socially engaged art)中所促成的反思與改變。


The Library by soundpocket – reviewed by Marie Martraire (February 2014)

In an everyday culture where images and noises have become so omnipresent that they deafen all other sonic elements, The Library attempts to activate people’s sensitivity and attentiveness toward their sonic surroundings by training their ears and creating a habit to listen.

In its general digital layout and content, The Library’s emphasis is on the subtle and delicate sonic components of daily life and not on the actual sites of the field recordings.


The Library – reviewed by Solomon Yu / 訪聲音圖書館-余迪文 (01/22/2014)



The Library – reviewed by Elaine W. Ho / 回顧聲音圖書館-何穎雅 (18/12/2013)

Guest contributor Elaine W. Ho is invited to review The Library’s content as we give the project a temporary pause, awaiting new funding to come in. We asked Elaine to tell us what interests her about The Library, what is inadequate and could be pursued further, and what could The Library become in the future.

在等待新的資助之時,聲音圖書館將稍作小休。我們請來客席撰稿員 ── 何穎雅為聲音圖書館項目作回顧。於她而言聲音圖書館有趣之處是什麼?它又有何不足或可以改善的地方?在未來聲音圖書館又有什麼可能?


A fresh start – notes from three editors/三位編者的話 (2/5/2013)

This is the “memory compilation” of three people: I) editor and researcher of The Library, Mui; II) web copywriter, Ka; III) audio editor, Edwin Lo. Theses are memories of our work, the founding of The Library, bits and pieces from the lives of the sound collectors, about the first sound explorations of a group of high school students, about Hong Kong — and stories related to listening.

這是「三個人」: (一) 聲音圖書館的編輯暨研究員阿Mui、 (二) 網絡撰稿員阿Ka、 (三) 聲音編輯員Edwin的「記憶合輯」。這「記憶」關於我們的工作、關於聲音圖書館的建立、關於採聲人的生活點滴、關於一群中學生的聲音初探、關於香港……關於與聆聽有關的故事。


The Library is a place for learning; we study, create and share with each other. We need your supervision and participation. If you have any ideas on our website, please email to thelibrary@soundpocket.org.hk.

You can also support us by doing the followings:
Be a Contributor: Share your recordings, photographs, manuscripts, texts etc. with us.
Be a Matchmaker: Introduce any person, place and issue related to sound and listening to us.
Be our Collaborator: We are looking forward to cooperating with any party, such as schools, voluntary organizations, artists, or anyone with ideas on sound and listening.

聲音圖書館是一個學習場所,我們在此鑽研、創造及分享, 也需要你的督導和參與。如你對本網頁有任何意見或想法,歡迎與編輯部聯絡: thelibrary@soundpocket.org.hk




As our server cannot support the volume of all sound clips at the present stage, most of the sound clips are one-minute browsing versions. To access the full version, please contact us directly.

