• Kwong Wing-ka

  • 12:00NN, 06/05/2013

  • 馬屎埔/ Ma Shi Po Village

  • TASCAM DR-40/ Handheld手持錄音

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Sun’s Longitude:75°
Lunar calendar: 27th April
Pentads: Mantises grow, Bushtits begin to sing, Blackbirds loset their voices

Corn on Ear is a jolly time. No matter how big the Sun, it could not be bigger than the sound of cicadas. I stand beside a reed under a kapok tree for five minutes and the cicadas surrounding me start singing nonstop. I wonder if it is the sun or the sound of cicadas that make me feel a bit dizzy.

Every year I look forward to hearing their voice as it marks the ripening of litchi.

物候: 螳螂生,鶰始鳴,反舌無聲



Corn on Ear/ 芒種 01


Corn on Ear/ 芒種 02