= Field recording workshops in Hong Kong 香港田野錄音工作坊 =

2014.11.15@Tung Ping Chau 東平洲

Although I lose all the recordings as my recorder dropped into the sea during the workshop, I still remember the sounds of waves hitting the rocks, passing through the cracks, washing the stone on the shore, and the echoes in the rock chambers. I was thinking if I were a tiny mussel attached on the giant rock, listening to the waves and waiting the waves come.




:: Afterthought 再思 ::


= 台灣考察及創作 Taiwan’s Field Trip and Creation =
2015.4.3-7 @ Taipei, Kaohsiung, Meinung 台北, 高雄, 美濃

About artwork 關於作品

Tideline 潮間線 (11” 19’)


:: Afterthought 再思 ::

Time really flies.
I still remember last October the program started, we sit together in soundpocket’s office sharing our own listening experience, and then we spent a day on Tong Ping Chau, walked along on the Wong Nai Chung Gap Trail, and of course explored different places in Kaohsiung, Taiwan. It is funny that all the places are full of sound of water: from streams to the sea shores, from beaches to the harbors.

As a person who mainly working with photography, I started thinking what sounds really mean to me. We listen to sounds and look at objects everyday, but why most of us taking photographs instead of recording sounds? If taking photograph is a way to capture and conserve a single moment (which I believe in), and what is the point for someone try to record the sounds? is he or she trying to capture a series of moments in a sonic way?

Some researchers found out that we can only understand the world approximately 80% by receiving information through watching. For me, understanding the world by the sense of sight seems kind of passive. It is like you are an outsider of the society, the outsider of the environment you living in. During the program, I tried to understand the world a little bit more through listening, and it made me more curious: I want to trace the strange sound I heard, I want to ask someone if they heard the same sound.

Also it made me started review my pervious works. I think I am a fair observer, but I am not a good artist, as I can not see myself in my works. During the trip to Kaohsiung, I met Mr. Chan, a stranger living in the Military dependents’ village at Cijin , we talked about the history of his family, and wandered around the village. I can not remember what he actually said ( luckily I recorded our communication), I felt we are so close because it is like I was experiencing his life. I believe listening help me to understand the 20% of the world, by making me more active, more sensitive, and being connected with people and things around me.
Thank you soundpocket for hosting this program, also thank you Yannick and artists sharing their experience with me. I believe we will continue exploring the world by listening, making some noise for the future.





此外,聆聽使我重新檢視我過往的作品,我希望自己是個客觀的觀察者,但我不是個好的藝術家,因我不能在自己的作品中看到自己。在高雄期間,我認識一個住在眷村旗津的陌生人陳先生, 我們在村內徘徊,談到他家族的歷史。雖然我忘了他確實地說了什麼(幸好我記錄了我們的對話),但我仿佛經歷了他的生命,因而令我感到我們非常親近。我相信,聆聽使我理解餘下20%的世界,使我更積極、更敏感地聯繫身邊的人與事。

感謝聲音掏腰包主辦這項計劃,亦感謝澎葉生與一眾藝術家跟我分享他們的經驗。 我相信我們會繼續以聆聽來探索世界,更為未來發出不同的聲音。