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Workshop on Listening & Field Recording
教識徒弟有師傅 – 聆聽及採聲工作坊
Learn 學習 / Day Trip 體驗日


= Review 活動回顧 =

The Gin Drinkers Line , led by Lee Kai-chung & Wong Fuk-kuen
醉酒灣防線 (李繼忠、黃福權帶領)
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Wong Lai Chung Gap, led by Solomon Yu & Kwong Wing-ka
黃泥涌峽徑 (余廸文、鄺永嘉帶領)
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Sham Shui Po, led by Grace Choi & Samson Cheung
深水埗 (蔡翠茵、張才生帶領)
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Tsim Sha Tsui, led by Tse Chun-sing & Yannick Dauby
尖沙咀 (謝振聲、澎葉生帶領)
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With the enthusiastic involvement of the participants, the workshop turned out to be a fruitful encounter between artists and active listeners. Here are some of our artist-mentees’ reflection:

“…before I thought listening meant counselling and human relations. After joining the workshop, I realized that listening is actually one kind of experience, especially for recording, it is a process. It records your physical condition and what you choose to listen to. I found that there were a lot of places for experiencing listening in the city.” – Atom

“…not just for sound, I wouldn’t notice even there is a person passed by in front of me, I am not sensitive at all. But during the workshop, I am impressed by the concepts brought up by Yannick, especially the idea of  ‘to listen without seeing’. I realized how little I know about things around me, and the imagination in listening could bring us a long way.” – Emily

My profession is about sound design, I always look for the nicest sound, so those background noises must be deleted. However during the workshop, I realised those ‘waste’ sound actually has lots of special qualities in it……in my job, the project is target orientated, but compare to creation, you should true to your perceptions, in the process I have to put down my professional burden and really just use my ear to focus on listening, and to discover the happening of the surrounding.”
– Cyrus

“I appreciate the workshops are designed by the artist-mentee, they chose the sites, pre-trip, then discuss with mentor Yannick, prepare the tasks, which the tasks has linkage among them, and finally the whole group had a collaborated project together, very thoughtful. The workshop blend in people of the same interest from different countries and background to exchange idea, quite nice.” – Hailey

由小師傅藝術家設計的,連續兩天的,在港九新界舉行的聆聽工作坊過後,我們訪問了部分參加者,借他們的回饋一起活動回顧 :

Cyrus: 「平時從事聲音設計的工作,追求好靚的聲,會把雜音刪除;這個工作坊令我發現我平時丟的聲也有特別的東西……我的職業在工作上做project 好目標爲本,而創作是可以忠於自己的感官去行,過程中我要放低專業的包袱,真的用耳朵去聽,去發現身邊環境發生的事。」

Atom:「聆聽以前會以為就是輔導, 是人與人之間的關係,參加了工作坊之後會發現聆聽是一種體驗,尤其是錄音,是一個過程,你的狀態是如何,選擇去聽什麽。原來城市有很多不同的空間去經歷聆聽。」

Emily:「不止對聲音,甚至有人在我面前經過我也會看不到的,我是個不敏感的人。但在工作坊中,yannick 帶出的概念令我很深刻,尤其是沒有了視覺的聆聽讓我發現我對物件的認知是很小,聆聽可以想象的空間是很大。」

Hailey:「欣賞工作坊是藝術家自己選擇地方,事前site visit, 跟大師傅yannick討論,準備活動任務,還有任務之間是有鋪排的,最後組員有一個合作的project,很有心思。不同國家和背景的人加入,交流,但是聚集了一班有共同興趣的人,挺成功的。」

Full interview with participants >>
參加者訪問完整片段 >>


2015.03.14 (六) | 10am – 6pm | HK / KLN / N.T. 港九新界
2015.03.15 (日) | 10am – 1pm | soundpocket 聲音掏腰包

Workshop led by Artist-Mentees 工作坊由藝術家徒弟帶領,包括:
Samson Cheung Choi-sang 張才生 | Grace Choi 蔡翠茵 | Lee Kai-chung 李繼忠 | Kwong Wing-ka 鄺永嘉 | Jantzen Tse Chun-sing 謝振聲 | Wong Fuk-kuen 黃福權 | Solomon Yu 余廸文
in collaboration with Artist-Mentor Yannick Dauby 由藝術家澎葉生指導 (Taiwan 台灣 / France 法國)

>>> Apply NOW! 立即登記 <<<


A two-day workshop specially designed for participants to experience two integral aspects of sonic art – listening and field recording. In select secret locations in Hong Kong, Kowloon and the New Territories, in small groups, participants engage in activities aimed at enhancing their listening ability, sensitivity, and imaginative power. By the end of the workshop, you will become a confident and creative sound collector, joining the community of 50 sound collectors from previous programmes.

As the Artist-Mentor shares his knowledge and skills with their Artist-Mentees, they, too, will become Artist-Mentors one day, further passing on their experiences in sound and listening.

Mentorship programme aims at bringing together experienced artists with a practice in sound and emerging artists curious about listening, in which we encourage the study culture among artists.

>>> To review previous programme, press here

Main language: Cantonese
Quota : 35
2-day workshop fee: adult $150  / full-time student $80
// First-come, first-served //

在《教識徒弟有師傅》連續兩天的工作坊中,參加者將體會到關於聲音藝術創作中的兩大重要元素: 聆聽與田野錄音。我們已挑選了幾個港九新界神祕地點,在這些獨特聲境的地方進行工作坊。參加者會與藝術家組成小組, 以互動的形式去實踐提升聽力和觸覺的活動, 探索我們的感知和想象力。 透過工作坊,你將會學習到田野錄音技巧。在過去的工作坊, 已經有五十多位參加者成為了採聲人。


>>> 重溫《拜師學藝》過往活動, 按此

費用:成人150元 | 全日制學生80元

// 先到先得,額滿即止 //

>>> Apply NOW! 立即登記 <<<

 In this workshop, you have a chance…
在這次工作坊, 你有機會…

To experience the city from a different perspective 經歷不一樣的城市
To experience a soundless environment 體會無聲環境
To listen to sounds under water 聽水底的聲音
To listen to military trenches 聽戰壕的聲音
To discover sounds you have never heard before 發現從未聽過的聲音
To practice using the audio recorder and headphones 練習運用錄音機和耳機
To experience art in the company of artists 由藝術家帶著領我體會藝術

About artists 關於藝術家

澎葉生Yannick Dauby

張才生Samson Cheung Choi-sang
大學主修工商管理,2008年開始接觸攝影,2012年獲得香港專業進修學院攝影深造文憑。2013年打開耳朵,探索聲音這媒介,視藝術創作過程為終身學習的平台。現為聲音掏腰包「藝術家支援計劃」2014-15 年度獲選年青藝術家。

蔡翠茵 Grace Choi

李繼忠 Lee Kai-chung

鄺永嘉 Kwong Wing-ka
鄺永嘉畢業於香港城市大學 翻譯及傳譯系。他是聲音圖書館的採聲人,創作了《二十四節氣》的專題作品。他的作品主要研究人與自然,和環境生態之間的關係。

謝振聲 Jantzen Tse Chun-sing

黃福權 Wong Fuk-kuen
他在香港城市大學創意媒體學院畢業。他的聲音雕塑 The Telescopes 曾於創意媒體學院年度展(2012) ,及第十八屆 ifva 比賽互動媒體組入圍作品展展出。最近,他在日本京都作《聽在聲音藝術節》的駐場藝術家時,創造了他第二天作品Aminoscape ,再次用上水管,繼續探討聲音、環境、空間的沒有邊際的獨特性

余廸文 Solomon Yu